Join us in loving local businesses in Bloorcourt
every day in March!
every day in March!
Check back to enter our daily giveaways -YES, 31 days – of $50 vouchers to Bloorcourt businesses.
Shout out to Queen Street West BIA for inspiring this initiative. Also - play along with our nearby BIA friends in Ossington as they host a similar month-long event.
Shout out to Queen Street West BIA for inspiring this initiative. Also - play along with our nearby BIA friends in Ossington as they host a similar month-long event.
WHAT IS #ShopBloorcourt?
It's a month-long extravaganza of loving Bloorcourt businesses with 31 days of giveaways. It’s all in support of our local businesses!
Our giveaway calendar is below (and you can find Ossington's calendar here) Please take a moment to read the fine print below the calendar before you enter!
Every day at 12:00am, that day’s door is open and the prize is revealed. Earn entries to win in daily giveways by performing small acts of support like following on Instagram or leaving a supportive comment to be entered to win. The door closes at 11:59pm each day and the winner is announced at noon the next day.
Every day at 12:00am, that day’s door is open and the prize is revealed. Earn entries to win in daily giveways by performing small acts of support like following on Instagram or leaving a supportive comment to be entered to win. The door closes at 11:59pm each day and the winner is announced at noon the next day.
Each day we’re giving away a $50 gift card each day from a different local Bloorcourt business (there will also be some random bonus days whereby the day's prize may be two different businesses for an even bigger value)
We will announce the winner from the previous day by noon on the next day (i.e. for the winner of March 1st will be announced by 12pm on March 2nd).
We will announce the winner from the previous day by noon on the next day (i.e. for the winner of March 1st will be announced by 12pm on March 2nd).